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June 2021

Chris Evans has added an update

Jun 20,2021

Fillable (tickable) CORE short forms, TAF and EoT available

Alzscot, ( a Scottish charity delivering services for people with dementias, use the two short forms and wanted fillable CORE-A Therapy Assessment Form and End of Therapy form as fillable forms and Sara Johnston has, with permission from CST, converted them into fillable (strictly, tickable) forms and they're available at the usual fillable PDF page ... which now has a quick link: While I'm here, it may be worth mentioning that the CORE site has switched to &quot;multisite&quot; supporting easy creation of subsites in other languages which people may want to run. The first is for Spanish and is run by Dr. Clara Paz of UDLA in Quito and is at, others are brewing up nicely and the main English language site is starting a major overhaul which should make it easier to use and will, slowly be steadily, expand what's there. If you might want to run a CORE subsite for your language, or just help translate some of the English material into your language, do contact me ( and if you are not on the CORE update Email list, which really is now giving updates about monthly, do join: That's it for now! Very best to all.