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April 2021

Chris Evans has added an update

Apr 11,2021

11th April 2021 update (hibernating this project)

Hm. My logs ( show that there have been over 22,500 downloads of any of the resources and over 15,500 a PDF. Much of that must be meaningless but the graph of downloads does show a clear drop off in holiday periods in the summer last year and over the Christmas period so perhaps a fair bit is downloads by humans not bots. I am now only getting a trickle of Emails with questions and these are now mostly asking for permission to put the measures into online systems rather than about using the PDFs. As long as people comply with the Creative Commons licence (see the portal page at and then that's fine and exactly what we want. (But if you want a translation that hasn't been done you MUST do it to our standards including me co-leading the work with you to ensure that compliance.) I think the project served, and probably still serves, a good purpose but, until I can find a better, more confidential alternative to the fillable PDFs I can't see any point in updating things here. I won't archive the project in hope that I will find a better alternative, in which case I'll announce it here. In &quot;farewell at least for now&quot; mode: R/geeky people out there might be amused to follow my emerging pages on using R ( Some things there are just about R but some are about using it to support therapy practice based evidence and therapy research. That will link with emerging Shiny apps which will complement the book Jo-anne (Carlyle) and I have coming out via SAGE in the late autumn and it leans on the CECPfuns R package ( which is developing (a bit faster than the Shiny apps!) If all that is gobbledygook to you, you're in a safe majority of the therapy related world but you might still be amused to look at to see if it piques your interest at all! OK, enough already!