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September 2020

Chris Evans has added an update

Sep 28,2020

28th of September update

A long gap this time as things were mostly ticking over. The total number of downloads has climbed to 11,650 and for PDFs it's 7,637. I really don't know how many of those are by people who go on to use them but I guess it's a fair few. Emails telling me the forms don't work have almost stopped and the last one was from someone who did at least reply to my offer to help and we established that her computer didn't have a PDF reader other than Chrome which was opening the files but not allowing her to fill in the forms. That one was easy to fix (I believe, I haven't heard to the contrary). The big news is that there is at last a free option that avoids the confidentiality and usability issues with the fillable PDFs using an online questionbot. Answers are given back to the user (well, to any Email address the user chooses to give). CORE-OM accessible via and the CORE-10 via: Quick declaration: I have helped Barry and Giles with the design of their system but it's theirs though the CORE-OM and CORE-10 content is of course copyright to CORE System Trust as usual and being used in line with our Creative Commons licence. Neither I nor they get any remuneration from use of the forms. If you have questions about the forms, do contact them, not me! I'm sure they'll keep me updated about major developments. That's it for now. Feedback from anyone using any CORE measures online is always welcome: Best wishes to all for maximum resilience in these horrible times. Chris