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June 2020

Chris Evans has added an update

Jun 30,2020

30th of June update

No dramatic developments. No more reports of problems with the fillable PDFs so no progress on the fact that I'm sure, on some platforms, they do sometimes cause problems. If I get feedback that really identifies what software, on what platforms and what problems, I will try to find fixes (if I can) but if I don't get feedback then I can't help! One very helpful alert from Greta Steponaityte of the Brent Centre ( where they have been trying/using Microsoft (M$) forms and have found the returned data sometimes has the scoring or item order mangled. It seems that M$ know of this and there is a fix but you have to look out for the problem. See The forms continue to be downloaded and I think the rate is probably still above that of routine web crawlers hitting them. Total downloads now up to 6,824, fillable PDFs up to 4,763. I would love to know if any of the LimeSurvey or Qualtric forms are being used, likewise the M$ forms, but no way I can find out! Stats, as previously, at CV-19 related projects using CORE measures finished in Greece and being written up and continuing in Ecuador and Brazil that I know of, probably elsewhere too I hope!

Chris Evans has added an update

Jun 15,2020

19th of June update

Nearly a month since last update and things have settled down and I'm no longer barraged with Emails, in fact I'm just a bit sad not to get replies from the tiny handful of people who say they are having trouble with the fillable PDFs. That seems to be mainly on iPhones but as I'm not getting replies when I ask for a bit more information, I'm not sure what is going on there. Anyone out there using them and can spare say 10-15 minutes to tell me about problems if you or clients hit them? Equally important: anyone out there who can spare 2-5 minutes to tell me how things work for them and if they've had reports of problems they've solved? Meanwhile, a publication has come, partly, from this work: Evans, C., Sabucedo, P., &amp; Paz, C. (2020). Supporting practice based evidence in the COVID-19 crisis: Three researcher-practitioners’ stories. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1–9. I think that doi link should take you to the paper but it's also accessible at Supporting practice based evidence in the COVID-19 crisis: t... We think it's freely available at the moment as part of the publisher's contribution to research in the cv-19 pandemic era but if you can't get it, Email me at and I'll send you a copy. Comments and questions of course very happily received. Again, Email me or all three of us (contact details in the paper), don't use RG messages as I simply don't have time to attend to them and like to keep all correspondence in Emails these days.