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March 2020

Chris Evans has added an update

Mar 31,2020

Update 31/3/20

I will put daily updates here in the early stages of this project. Downloads The files are being downloaded, between 20 and 50 each of the various fillable PDFs, 10 downloads of the LimeSurvey LSS files (all) and 8, 9 and 12 of the xlsx scoring sheets for the CORE-OM, CORE-10 and YP-CORE respectively. No qualtrics file downloads which makes sense and no ods scoring sheets: probably unsurprising. Email questions/feedback Just one asking about using Microsoft forms as the school the person works in is only allowed to use those. I looked into it: can be done but sadly M$ have created no way to share forms so each practitioner would have to copy and paste to make their own. One to watch for and I may update the site to advise about this. No requests to use the Google forms which I find sad given the confidentiality issues with PDF forms but this is what Frank predicted!

Chris Evans has added an update

Mar 29,2020

To provide options for practitioners who normally use CORE measures on paper in face to face therapy but who are now providing online therapies and want to continue to offer ways for clients to complete measures online. See and Feedback and probably help needed and welcomed: