
Young Person’s Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation (YP-CORE) Scale: psychometric properties and utility



The overarching aim of this research is to provide firm psychometric evidence for the YP-CORE. I intend to replicate and extend knowledge of the psychometric properties of the YP-CORE in UK community samples. I will also look at patterns of change over time and apply modern psychometric methods, such as nearest neighbour modelling. For more information on the YP-CORE, please go to

Experiment findings

Experiment findings that have been added to share the progress of the project.

List of experiment findings from the project

Final papers

Preprints and articles that have been added as the result of this project.

List of final papers from the project


Research that was mentioned or added to this project.

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Project log

All the updates added to the project, sorted by date.

Project log